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Auth, well that's a thing

Authentication is super critical for any application. It's the process of verifying the identity of a user. In this section, we'll cover how to authenticate users in your application.

Session Authentication

Session authentication is the default authentication mechanism for Django, and Djapy supports it out of the box.

To use session authentication, you need to import SessionAuth from djapy.auth and utilize it in your views.

from djapy import SessionAuth

@djapy_auth(SessionAuth, permissions=['plans.todos.can_view'])
def todo_list(request):

or if you wanna assign authentication to the all endpoints in your file, you can use AUTH_MECHANISM variable.

AUTH_MECHANISM = SessionAuth(permissions=['plans.todos.can_view'])
# or just SessionAuth

Extending Base Authentication

You can extend the base authentication mechanism to create your own custom authentication mechanism.

Here's an example of how you can do that:

from djapy import BaseAuthMechanism

class CustomAuth(BaseAuthMechanism):
    def __init__(self, permissions):
        self.permissions = permissions

    def authenticate(self, request):
        # Your custom authentication logic here
        return True

    def authorize(self, request):
        # Your custom authorization logic here
        return True

    def schema(self):
        return {}  # Your custom schema here to be used in the swagger documentation

    def app_schema(self):
        return {}  # Your custom app schema here to be used in the swagger documentation